In the picture, L-R,Phil Bell, Chief Executive, The Yorkshire Society with John Walker, European Small Business Alliance. The Bu...
In an exciting development, Mastercard has announced the opening of applications for its Strive EU Innovation Fund. Unveiled at th...
The European Small Business Alliance (ESBA) is thrilled to announce the addition of theAlliance of Small and Medium-sized Enterpri...
ESBA was well represented at this year’s EU SME Assembly in Bilbao as part of the European SME Week. by members In the photo...
Brussels, 13 September 2023 — The European Small Business Alliance (ESBA) welcomes the pledge by Commission President Ursula von...
It is with great sadness we report that our Hon President, Norman Mackel, died on Sunday, 16th July 2023, two days prior to his 90...
ESBA President, David Caro, has launched the Alliance’s programme for the next twelve months at its recent annual meeting, which...
Every seat was taken for the launch of the Asian Restaurant Awards 2023 Scotland held on the 31st May in the Holyrood Room at the ...
At our Board during the morning of the 16th May. we confirmed the appointment of Andrew Cave as our new Secretary General. Andrew ...
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Andrew Cave, a highly respected policy communicator and seasoned campaigner, as ou...