• Danish Startup Group (DSG)

    DSG is a non-profit organisation in Copenhagen. Their mission is to engage their members and startup community in variety of events, workshops, and social networking opportunities within the entrepreneurial scene.

    Through their initiatives, they strive to provide Danish entrepreneurs valuable insights, skills and inspiration, in order for them to be prepared for their upcoming startup challenges.

    Apply for membership or be part of our volunteering team.

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  • Global cyber Alliance (GCA)

    GCA is an international, cross-sector effort dedicated to eradicating cyber risk and improving our connected world. We achieve our mission by:

    • Uniting Global Communities: We must stand as a global community, across sectors and geography, if we are to effectively address cyber risks.
    • Implementing Concrete Solutions: We build concrete solutions that reduce and eradicate cyber risk, and we make those solutions freely available for any organization or individual to use.
    • Measuring the Effect: We believe in measuring effectiveness. We must measure to know we are doing the right things, and metrics drive action. We need to know what works and what does not.
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  • Organization for small and medium enterprises sector development (ODIMM)

    ODIMM is a public, non-profit institution founded by the Government Decision no. 538 from 17 May 2007. Our vision is to become the key driver of entrepreneurial development in the Republic of Moldova by accelerating the rate of establishing of new enterprises, contributing to creation and retention of good jobs and investing in our emerging industries.

    In 13 years of activity, ODIMM became a reliable partner in private sector development and is recognized both inside and outside the donor community. ODIMM support services include information and consultancy, entrepreneurial education, access to finance, internationalization services, business infrastructure and public-private dialogue.

    Among ODIMM key indicators are: 60000 consultancies offered, 28000 trainings, more than 3000 companies financed with a total amount of 8mil EUR and 6000 jobs created.

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